product news

Zenton delivers directional audio to SKHLM Skärholmen shopping center

Zenton has delivered directional sound and sound design to SKHLM Skärholmen shopping center. The targeted sound is part of a much larger solution, Zenton's Shopping mall sound system, which is now being installed at SKHLM to create unique sound experiences in selected locations. The sound system is entirely developed by Zenton specifically for shopping centers. [...]

Zenton MultiTouch to Trafikverket

Zenton has delivered a complete MultiTouch solution with everything from programming and application design to hardware and installation. The stands for the MultiTouch screens are specially designed and developed by Zenton for this purpose. Zenton's MultiTouch solution is used to present and visualize materials from WSP on the new Onsalavägen, which will start construction in [...]

Zenton delivers world-class audio solutions to Emporia shopping center

Zenton has project managed and delivered the audio solution for the newly opened Emporia in Malmö - Scandinavia's premier shopping center. A world-class building with world-class sound solutions! All with the intention of providing a subtle overall experience for the visitor - they enjoy themselves and want to stay longer. In this extensive and exciting [...]

Zenton Photo Station to Postmuseum

Zenton has developed a photo station for the Postmuseum in Stockholm. Here, visitors take high quality photos of themselves wearing various postal uniforms which are then published wirelessly on a number of screens in the entrance corridor. The images shift synchronously for neat presentation.

2012-03-31T22:51:20+01:00March, 2012|museum, Okategoriserad, product news|

Swedish interactive solutions provider Zenton and NUITEQ® formalize their partnership

In our effort to become the leading supplier of interactive solutions in the Scandinavian area, Zenton has teamed up with Nuiteq and formalized our partnership.... The following can be read in Nuiteq's newsletter: Skellefteå, Sweden - 4 May 2011- NUITEQ®, the award winning multi-touch software technology company, announced today that Swedish interactive solutions provider Zenton [...]

2011-05-04T14:51:23+01:00May, 2011|multitouch, product news|

Zenton Multitouch, Scandinavian distributor of PQ-labs

Zenton is the distributor in Scandinavia of PQ-lab's unique product range. PQ-Labs is one of the world's leading manufacturers of multitouch solutions. With a multitouch overlay, you can easily create a multitouch screen or a multitouch table from an existing screen. Multitouch is the future of screen interaction. Multitouch means that you can use a [...]

2011-02-28T14:53:38+01:00February, 2011|multitouch, product news|

Zenton Interactive floor

Zenton is the distributor in Scandinavia of the interactive floor Advis. With Advis you can create an interactive floor in a flexible and cost-effective way. With Zenton Interactive floor you can create eye-catching visual marketing or experiences on walls and floors. There are currently over 100 effects to choose from. In this context, we are [...]

2011-02-28T14:36:52+01:00February, 2011|Interactive floor, product news|

Unique experiences and exhibitions at Trelleborg museum På Trelleborgs museum kan ni uppleva multitouchbord, animerade tavlor som synkroniserat talar med varandra, fantastiska ljud och videoinstallationer, allt för att skapa en unik och stämningsfull upplevelse. Här används även teknik som riktat ljud, sensor och knappstyrda ljudstationer, touchskärmar mm. Zentons uppdrag var att leverera en helhetslösning från idéskapande, konsultation, projektledning, teknik, innehåll, programmering [...]

Zenton introduces unique Multitouch LCD with 32 touch points

Zenton is currently introducing a unique multitouch LCD with the ability to use up to 32 simultaneous points. The possibilities of multitouch are endless, which is why we offer content development according to each client's specific needs. Multitouch is perfect for fairs, museums, shopping centers, product presentations, shops, exhibitions, etc. Equipment is available for delivery [...]

2010-05-18T22:12:24+01:00May, 2010|picture, product news|

New sound puck at a better price

Zenton's new audio puck is 1/6 the price of the pro model. The price includes an amplifier module that allows it to be connected to almost any audio source, e.g. iPod, DVD, laptop. The difference between the Promodel and this one is that the Promodel has a slightly larger foot and slightly better sound. A [...]

2010-02-11T16:42:04+01:00February, 2010|product news|
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