
Immersive museum experience for the base exhibition at Trelleborgen

Welcome to a historical journey back to the Viking Age! We at Zenton are proud to have worked with Trelleborgen to create a unique and memorable experience for their visitors in the new permanent exhibition. Trelleborgen is a Viking town located in Trelleborg, Skåne, and was an important hub for trade in the Nordic countries [...]

Zenton delivers exhibition solutions to Ystad Abbey.

Zenton has delivered exhibition solutions and museum technology to the Ystad Museum's new exhibition "so shall you live", which opened on June 19. We have been involved in the design of the exhibition at an early stage to influence how museum technology and interactivity will be used to create and enhance the visitor experience. As [...]

2011-06-21T00:48:35+01:00June, 2011|museum, Okategoriserad|

MuseiTeknik blog on a visit to Zenton

Paul Henningsson from the blog Museiteknik visited Zenton for an interview just before the holidays. The topic was the Trelleborg Museum project, interactivity, multitouch, directed sound and of course museum technology in general. Read what Paul wrote on his blog about the visit here.

2010-07-18T23:27:11+01:00July, 2010|information|

Trelleborg Museum invests in modern exhibitions, opening on June 6.

Zenton has been commissioned to modernize Trelleborg's museum and we have created unique experiences using sound, image, interactivity, directed sound and animations. Among other things, we have, to our knowledge, delivered Sweden's first and only multi-touch table solution for museums. The content is unique to the museum's exhibitions. Other unique experiences are promised for visitors [...]

2010-06-05T00:50:54+01:00June, 2010|Okategoriserad|
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