
SONAB wireless audio for Kustnära Interiör

Zenton has delivered SONAB's wireless audio system to Kustnära Interiör in Visby. Sonab's speakers provide incredible sound quality and are easily hung on the store's existing light rails. Kustnära Interiör sells hand-picked products in interior design, clothing and furniture for both home and business.

Zenton uses revolutionary Sonab wireless speaker system for exhibition at Lidköpings Konsthall.

Zenton has delivered a revolutionary solution including the Sonab wireless sound system for Carolina Jonsson's exhibition: "Holograms of Ecolonia" in Lidköping's Konsthall. The Sonab system is connected to an HD projector and is used for the central work of the exhibition, the video installation 'Turbulence', where film sequences are projected onto a large wall. Visitors [...]

2014-02-14T17:02:05+01:00February, 2014|museum, picture, sound, sound design|
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