
Drömverkstan – Travelling exhibition about ABF

Zenton has provided museum technology and consultation for the traveling exhibition Drömverkstan produced by the Arbetets Museum. The Dream Workshop exhibition is about the human drive to learn, and how learning can look different from person to person. In the learning lab, visitors can test their senses and find the best learning style for them [...]

2012-02-20T23:15:15+01:00February, 2012|museum, Okategoriserad|

Zenton delivers directional audio to Malmö City Library

Zenton has delivered directional audio to Malmö City Library. The directional audio plays voices in the language represented by the particular bookshelf on which the speaker is mounted. The sound is activated by a sensor when you approach the speaker. The mount is specially designed by our engineer and made to fit the library's bookshelves. [...]

2011-09-17T12:02:28+01:00September, 2011|directional sound, Okategoriserad|

Unique experiences and exhibitions at Trelleborg museum På Trelleborgs museum kan ni uppleva multitouchbord, animerade tavlor som synkroniserat talar med varandra, fantastiska ljud och videoinstallationer, allt för att skapa en unik och stämningsfull upplevelse. Här används även teknik som riktat ljud, sensor och knappstyrda ljudstationer, touchskärmar mm. Zentons uppdrag var att leverera en helhetslösning från idéskapande, konsultation, projektledning, teknik, innehåll, programmering [...]

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