postal museum

Zenton Photo Station to Postmuseum

Zenton has developed a photo station for the Postmuseum in Stockholm. Here, visitors take high quality photos of themselves wearing various postal uniforms which are then published wirelessly on a number of screens in the entrance corridor. The images shift synchronously for neat presentation.

2012-03-31T22:51:20+01:00March, 2012|museum, Okategoriserad, product news|

Zenton makes Postmuseum interactive, Opening 27/1 2011

Zenton has been given the honor of delivering interactive solutions with multitouch and all sound and image technology to Postmuseum's new basic exhibition "Märkvärdigt" in Gamla Stan/ Stockholm. Among other things, we have created a multitouch table from PQ-labs multitouch over-lay where we have delivered the entire solution from idea to content programming, hardware, development [...]

2011-01-26T23:53:49+01:00January, 2011|multitouch, museum, Okategoriserad|
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