
Zenton delivers multitouch to Umeå University

Zenton has delivered Multitouch solution with Snowflake multi-touch software from Nuiteq to Umeå University. The solution consists of a 55" PQ-labs multi-touch frame on a 55" screen mounted on a special motorized bracket to raise/lower and tilt as needed. This is to be used for training and development purposes by Inst. for Applied Educational Sciences [...]

2011-08-19T17:57:26+01:00August, 2011|multitouch, Okategoriserad|

Swedish interactive solutions provider Zenton and NUITEQ® formalize their partnership

In our effort to become the leading supplier of interactive solutions in the Scandinavian area, Zenton has teamed up with Nuiteq and formalized our partnership.... The following can be read in Nuiteq's newsletter: Skellefteå, Sweden - 4 May 2011- NUITEQ®, the award winning multi-touch software technology company, announced today that Swedish interactive solutions provider Zenton [...]

2011-05-04T14:51:23+01:00May, 2011|multitouch, product news|
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