Hansa mall

Living Surface and directional sound in Hansa’s Galleria

The Hansas Galleria in Malmö also features an interactive floor and audio showers with directional sound from Zenton. Thanks to directional audio, the sound experience is limited to the interactive image area only.

Unique Living Surface project at Hansa Shopping center in Malmö

Zenton has delivered a unique interactive solution to Hansa Shopping center in Malmö. On the street between Hansa Kompagniet and Hansa Gallerian, a 35 m2 interactive surface is projected to attract attention and offer a unique experience to passers-by. At the moment, the theme is Christmas and the message, as always when it comes to [...]

2023-11-25T16:27:15+01:00December, 2009|living area, Okategoriserad|
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