
About Kristoffer Lindgren

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So far Kristoffer Lindgren has created 319 blog entries.

Zenton Interactive floor

Zenton is the distributor in Scandinavia of the interactive floor Advis. With Advis you can create an interactive floor in a flexible and cost-effective way. With Zenton Interactive floor you can create eye-catching visual marketing or experiences on walls and floors. There are currently over 100 effects to choose from. In this context, we are [...]

2011-02-28T14:36:52+01:00February, 2011|Interactive floor, product news|

Zenton turnkey supplier of museum technology to the Maritime Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden

Zenton has been given the honor of being the total supplier of museum technology for the Maritime Museum in Gothenburg and their new basic exhibition that fills their entire upper floor. It delivers everything from media technology consulting to all audio and visual technology in the form of projectors, media players, screens, touch screens, and [...]

2011-01-27T00:05:20+01:00January, 2011|museum, Okategoriserad|

Zenton makes Postmuseum interactive, Opening 27/1 2011

Zenton has been given the honor of delivering interactive solutions with multitouch and all sound and image technology to Postmuseum's new basic exhibition "Märkvärdigt" in Gamla Stan/ Stockholm. Among other things, we have created a multitouch table from PQ-labs multitouch over-lay where we have delivered the entire solution from idea to content programming, hardware, development [...]

2011-01-26T23:53:49+01:00January, 2011|multitouch, museum, Okategoriserad|

Sound pucks and directional sound for Butterick’s

In the shop window of Butterick's in Gothenburg, Sweden, a sound puck from Zenton is now playing enticing tones to attract attention to their fashion show of costumes. Read more about Butterick's and see part of the fashion show here. Other stores in Sweden will soon be equipped in the same way. Targeted audio will [...]

2010-11-09T13:38:23+01:00November, 2010|directional sound, Okategoriserad|

Sound system and directional audio for Etage shopping center

Zenton has delivered and installed sound systems and directional audio for the Etage shopping center in Trollhättan. We chose stylish Italian design speakers with exceptionally good sound quality and dispersion. The directional sound is attached to an escalator to create a clear sound tunnel that follows the listener all the way down while maintaining quality [...]

Zenton speaks at the Exhibitors’ Forum seminar

Zenton participates as a speaker together with Trelleborg Museum at Forum För Utställares seminar "You beautiful new exhibition world - Digital technology for more beautiful experiences" 11-12 Oct. We talk about Trelleborg Museum's exhibition "Stadslifv" and how we worked with digital talking boards and multitouch tables. Read more about the Exhibitors' Forum.

2010-10-10T22:26:46+01:00October, 2010|museum, Okategoriserad|

Office workout for the Healthcare Advisory Service

There are currently two screens at the medical advice office in Gothenburg that show a simple and quick workout and stretch program once an hour. When the workout program is not running, nice relaxing photo images are displayed and the screens are like dynamic paintings. In a sedentary and demanding job like this, you need [...]

2010-10-01T12:40:02+01:00October, 2010|Okategoriserad, picture|

Directed sound in escalators at Allum Shopping Center

Zenton has delivered and installed directional sound in the form of Sound Shower to Allum shopping center in Partillle outside Gothenburg. The directional audio is placed in every escalator throughout the shopping center to provide a clear sound from their customer radio along the entire escalators. The advantage of directional sound is that a single [...]

2010-10-01T12:24:38+01:00October, 2010|directional sound, Okategoriserad|

Living Surface, interactive floor for Initios medical

Zenton has delivered Living surface, interactive flooring to Initios medical at this year's Röntgenvecka in Örebro between September 23 and 26. The Living Surface was used to attract attention and bring the stand area to life. The effects used were a modified version of flowers that move in response to motion and a fish effect. [...]

Museum technology and touchscreens for Västmanland County Museum

Zenton has delivered museum technology to Västmanlands Länsmuseum in Västerås, which was inaugurated on September 6. The delivery included touch screens and a special HD media player that they can create their own content and publish easily.

2010-09-10T11:19:04+01:00September, 2010|Okategoriserad, picture|

Museum technology and directional sound for new Air Force Museum

Zenton has delivered museum technology to the new Air Force Museum in Linköping, which was inaugurated in early June. Equipment such as directional audio, media players of various kinds, speakers, etc. create experiences in most places in the museum. Read more about the museum here. See also here a short movie about the museum on [...]

2010-08-15T11:07:26+01:00August, 2010|directional sound, Okategoriserad|

Directed sound to Uppsala Central Station

On behalf of the architectural firm Wester + Elsner in Stockholm, Zenton has delivered and installed projects with directed sound and sound production for Jernhusen and Uppsala Central Station. The directional sound comes from 2 x 3 meter long Sound Shower sound showers. Now visitors can enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature as they wait [...]

2010-08-10T10:49:15+01:00August, 2010|directional sound, Okategoriserad|

Living Surface, interactive flooring for Stena Line

Zenton has delivered Living Surface, interactive flooring to Stena Line and their ferry Jutlandica that operates between Gothenburg and Frederikshavn. It is currently showing interactive inspiration for their new seaside hotel 'The Reef'.

MuseiTeknik blog on a visit to Zenton

Paul Henningsson from the blog Museiteknik visited Zenton for an interview just before the holidays. The topic was the Trelleborg Museum project, interactivity, multitouch, directed sound and of course museum technology in general. Read what Paul wrote on his blog about the visit here.

2010-07-18T23:27:11+01:00July, 2010|information|

Unique experiences and exhibitions at Trelleborg museum På Trelleborgs museum kan ni uppleva multitouchbord, animerade tavlor som synkroniserat talar med varandra, fantastiska ljud och videoinstallationer, allt för att skapa en unik och stämningsfull upplevelse. Här används även teknik som riktat ljud, sensor och knappstyrda ljudstationer, touchskärmar mm. Zentons uppdrag var att leverera en helhetslösning från idéskapande, konsultation, projektledning, teknik, innehåll, programmering [...]

Trelleborg Museum invests in modern exhibitions, opening on June 6.

Zenton has been commissioned to modernize Trelleborg's museum and we have created unique experiences using sound, image, interactivity, directed sound and animations. Among other things, we have, to our knowledge, delivered Sweden's first and only multi-touch table solution for museums. The content is unique to the museum's exhibitions. Other unique experiences are promised for visitors [...]

2010-06-05T00:50:54+01:00June, 2010|Okategoriserad|

The exhibition 18th century Gothenburg at the Gothenburg City Museum.

Take a journey through a city in transition! Gothenburg is buzzing with life and movement, with new ideas, influences and experiences from the world. The exhibition includes the most luxurious goods such as tea, porcelain and silk to the most everyday items. The City Museum is located in the East India House, built around 1750. [...]

2010-06-01T23:23:58+01:00June, 2010|Okategoriserad|

Hansa uses Living Surface interactive flooring in its spring campaign

At Hansa in Malmö they are using their interactive floor, Living Surface, to tastefully and innovatively increase the feeling of spring in this year's spring campaign "Local heating is here". Living Surface was previously supplied by Zenton.  

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